Heading to the Bout de France? Get to the mountains, eat local, and stay articulate of the riders.

Tour de France tips if you go spectators fans

The scene on one of the Tour de France's most iconic climbs, Alpe d'Huez.
Philippe LOPEZ / AFP
  • Seeing the Tour de France in person should be on anybody'south bucket listing.
  • Three weeks long, colorful, and fast, it'south called the earth's greatest race for a reason ... and so at that place'south all that delicious food and drink.
  • If you lot get, at that place are some things you should consider doing — and some things you should definitely avoid — to brand the almost of your Tour.
  • Visit Business Insider'due south homepage for more stories.

FRANCE — Everyone should go see the Tour de French republic. It's unlike anything else.

Forget that it's the earth'southward largest almanac sporting event and the greatest wheel race. It'south also a succulent party.

Read more than: The Bout de French republic bikes, ranked

It's hard to mess upwards a visit to the Tour, so just go. Merely a few tips might make the experience a little easier and a lot more fun.

Hither are our best bits of advice for anyone going to run into the race in person.

Go to the mountains.

The mountains are where information technology'south at.
REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier

On the flatter stages, the riders wing past so fast information technology's a whizzing blur. Instead, opt for the mountain stages, on which the riders volition likely be strung out unmarried file in small groups and going (relatively) slower as they labor upwardly the steep gradients.

Whereas on the flats the peloton of 176 riders could shoot by in less than a infinitesimal, on the hardest mountain stages there could be over a one-half 60 minutes between the leader and the last rider.

On the biggest mountain stages, which feature several high summits, you'll want to be on the penultimate or final climb, well-nigh the pinnacle (but perhaps not at the very pinnacle, since it can become packed with spectators and crowd barriers can limit your movement).

The main mountain regions in the Tour de French republic are the Alps and Pyrenees. Our favorite climb is Alpe d'Huez — a massive party — simply each Tour features different climbs, and so be certain to check the Tour website for the full general route when it's announced in Oct and the detailed phase maps published in May.

Become to the Grand Départ for the sheer spectacle.

The big offset is a grand affair.

Yes, skip most of the flat stages, but consider going to the Grand Départ, the "big offset." This is the festive opening weekend of the Tour when the buzz around the race is highest. 2 days before the first phase, yous'll get to run across all the teams presented and tip a drinking glass with the locals in the political party atmosphere.

The Bout starts in a different urban center every year, but you lot can always count on the host going all out to welcome the Bout. Often the first 2 or three stages beginning and finish in or about the same metropolis, so y'all can base of operations yourself in a single area without having to move effectually and so much.

Eat and drink local.

Eat your fashion around.

Skip the supermarkets and fast-nutrient chains and seek out what's expert in the region. Striking the local market or bakery instead.

French republic is known for its delicious nutrient and drink, so try the specialties. And don't overthink it: Some days it could but hateful a quick stop for picnic favorites like local cheeses, fresh baguettes, sausages, fruit, olives, chocolate, wine, whatever you crave.

In Kingdom of belgium, we hit up a food truck for the best frites with mayo nosotros've ever had and washed information technology down with a common cold Leffe. When in Rome.

Skip the starts and finishes.

The stage starts tin can be packed.
Tim de Waele/Corbis via Getty Images

Don't bother going to the stage starts or finishes, unless you really, actually desire to.

If you're driving, traffic and parking tin be a headache, and y'all'll need to go far quite early. Most likely you'll need a special pass to become shut to the area where the riders are (though you can run into them from a distance) likewise equally into the "start village," a large VIP area for ticket holders, the well-heeled, local celebrities, and the boondocks mayor.

Ditto with the finishes, where public access can exist express and the crowds intense.

Go the third week.

The Bout's mountains are calling.
Tim de Waele/Getty Images

Probably the best stages to see the Tour are in the third week, when the race hits the high mountains proper. The Tour alternates from year to year, clockwise and counterclockwise effectually France, so you lot'll exist heading to either the Alps or the Pyrenees.

The last week is the toughest leg for the riders, as it features several major mountain passes, and it'due south where the race is decided. The all-time climb for spectating is Alpe d'Huez, but the race visits different climbs each twelvemonth, then bank check the route to encounter which climbs are in and which are out when you go.

Arrive early, leave late.

Mont Ventoux, French republic.
Charlie Crowhurst/Getty Images

Wherever and whenever yous get, arrive at your desired spot along the course hours ahead of the race. If driving, know that the roads are often closed early in the morning, so strike out very early on in the a.m. or but show upward the night before and army camp. On the most pop climbs, crowds can bully to 10 deep roadside. Die-hard fans arrive a day or ii before.

Ane popular selection is to arrive at the base of your chosen climb in the morning, hike up to a good spot, bask your picnic and neighbors, and wait for the race. The Bout website has helpful data about when (to the very minute) the riders are expected to pass each betoken along the stage. Utilize it to plan your day.

And don't bother trying to leave right after the riders pass. You'll but find yourself stuck in traffic. Wait till the race clears out and the crowds disperse.

Stay out of the road, and don't touch on the riders.

Maybe don't run alongside the cyclists.

Newbies to the Tour, and to bike racing generally, are often shocked at how fast the riders come up by. It'due south much faster than you'd await. Actually. So while it hopefully goes without saying, don't stand up in the route, fifty-fifty a piddling. Stay off to the side.

Also, riders don't like to be touched, and they don't like to exist pushed. Cheer all y'all want, but go along your hands to yourself. And don't run alongside the riders. It puts you lot both in danger.

Bonus: Don't bother trying to take photos of the riders. Unless you lot really know what you're doing, your pictures will probably non turn out well at all. Just lose yourself in the frenzy of the moment. In that location volition be plenty of photos to look at later. Y'all traveled all that way to see the riders with your own optics, anyway.

Finish in style on the Champs.

Getting goosebumps?
AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani

Another exception to skipping the flat stages is the final 1, which ever takes place on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. Seeing the finish is something to behold. Many riders say they go goosebumps riding into Paris. You might likewise.

While this stage starts outside the city and is largely formalism at get-go, the second half is legit racing, so when the riders finally get in onto the Champs, it's game on. They'll practise several laps at total speed as they rip over the cobbles. Winning the terminal Tour stage in Paris is one of the crowning achievements in cycling, so the sprinters will be going 100% to the line.

While the dense crowds can make it tough to get a clear view of the riders, the temper is brilliant. Anywhere near the Arc de Triomphe is a bonus, though other spots along the Champs are worthwhile. And what better place for a Champagne toast.

As with everything else at the Bout, get there early, naturellement.

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Tour de France Cycling Travel